Sunday, October 02, 2005

Fortune: Google, Yahoo, and eBay: Next-Generation Conglomerates?

Nothing less than a fantastic article from David Kirkpatrick! To read it click the title on this post.

My thoughts on this article:
I totally agree! I see Google as the company that will prevail, and will eventually reach "World Domination". Yahoo! will be a runner up and MSN has a small outside chance, as they are backed by wealthy Microsoft. Especially if they succeed in getting people to use MSN Search more by integrating it cleverly in Microsoft's other products. But MSN is running out of time, as Google probably eventually will deliver free software products competing against Microsoft's expensive software.

Also if you look at Google's recent offer to free Wi-Fi service in San Francisco. They can do this, because they have a superior ad model with far more clients. Expect the free Wi-Fi to be sponsored by local ads, which probably will generate enormous value for both the local advertiser and Google. Who else can do that?

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